Today’s my birthday! There’s much in the world to be deeply concerned about, but I’m grateful to be alive, and today I’m celebrating the glory of nature, and the human potential for love, generosity, compassion and positive action…powerful tools to overcome the challenges we face. A huge thanks to those of you who contributed your beautiful photographs and stories to help celebrate “the stuff that doesn’t make the news” in a new music video for “All The Little Sunbursts” which you can watch HERE.


I’m delighted to share the news the new CARA album, Grounded, is on the way! For those who have pre-ordered copies, they will be in the post very shortly – we’ll be sending them out while we’re on tour…what’s that, you say? Yes, tour 🙂 Finally, our first gigs since October 2020 are taking place – I can’t wait! All the details are on my  Tour Dates page.


I am full of gratitude to have been able to release HELD today.  My thanks to all of the beautifully creative people who helped me to realise my vision for the album, to those who inspired the songs, to those of you who have purchased the album already and given me such supportive and encouraging feedback, and to those radio producers, presenters and music reviewers who took the time to listen to the album, and have already given me a platform to share my songs with new audiences. I am also very aware of, and grateful for, hundreds of acts of kindness, generosity and support shown to me by so many people since I began making music as a child which have supported me to go on this wonderful and unpredictable musical adventure. Thank you.

In particular, I’d like to take this moment to honour the memory of David Ferguson, who gave me (and I know, countless others in the Scottish music scene) so much support and encouragement in my music making over the years, through his attendance at gigs (always smiling supportively in the front row!), CD purchases and reviews, including a beautiful review just weeks ago in The Fountain for this new album. I will fondly remember his enthusiasm, kindness and generosity, and I will miss his presence, as I know, will many. Wishing him perpetual light, and wishing his family warmth, attention, comfort and peace at this difficult time.

As some of you will know, many of the songs on this album were written after the loss of my dad. Some I really just wrote for myself, but working towards this album during lockdown, I started to think that they might be useful to other people in similar situations. So today, as well as thinking of David’s family, I’m thinking of anyone who has lost someone they love, and is missing them. If you listen, I hope the songs can be of some help.


Lovely review for HELD from The Fountain!

I’m absolutely delighted with this review by David Ferguson for my album, Held, which will be released on 11.12.20, and in particular, I’m pleased because it felt to me that combining my voice with the voices of my friends and fellow songwriters Karine Polwart and Rachel Sermanni was something really special, and it’s lovely to know that this has come across to a listener! A few highlights for you:

“beautifully crafted, keenly observed, and quietly powerful songs”

“although clearly tinged with sadness, their warmth and humanity render them ultimately uplifting”

“when the voices of Edgar, Sermanni and Polwart combine and overlap…the effect is truly magical”

“a beautiful collection of honest, empathetic and sonically adventurous songs”

You can read the full review here .

HELD: Release Date 11.12.20

I’m very excited to announce that my new album, Held, will be released on 11th December, 2020. I’m so looking forward to sharing the songs with you!

Why “Held”? Well, I’m finding it’s hard not to be able to touch people we care about; it’s often how we embody love, compassion and friendship. We currently demonstrate care for others by keeping our distance, despite the fact that now, more than ever, people may need, or want, to be held. So with this album, I have tried to create a musical hug. In the scheme of things, it’s a very small offering, but I’m grateful that music can still give us a sense of connection – and it’s what I have to give!

I thoroughly enjoyed making this album with producer and drummer, Mattie Foulds. We made socially distanced recordings at Castlesound Studios with Kevin McGuire (bass), Su-a Lee (cello), Fergus Kerr (French horn), and my nieces and nephew (backing vocals!) with remote input from the magical Mikey Owers on brass, guitars, synths and backing vocals. I was also delighted that through remote recordings during lockdown, I was able to share the vocals in some songs with two of my favourite Scottish songwriters: Karine Polwart and Rachel Sermanni. Finally, Eva Giovannini was wonderful in helping me to realise my vision for the album artwork. I’m grateful to them all!

I hope the album might reach out to you, like a hug.

My fourth solo album, Held…

Last week, I spent a wonderful five days in Castlesound Studios, Pencaitland, with producer Mattie Foulds and a host of talented musicians, recording tracks for my new album, Held. Now we’re continuing to work with some further singers and musicians, who will remotely add their magic, and then we’re mixing and mastering!

If you’d like to be kept informed when we set a release date for the album, please join my mailing list newsletter – you can do this at the bottom of the home page. I send out an email once every two months, and the occasional gift! It’s fairly painless, honest… 😉

Lighthouse In A Storm

It’s so hard to be far from the people we care about just now – but that’s exactly what we need to do to protect them. Here’s a song inspired by the word “lighthouse”, and the current situation.
#stayathome #protectthenhs #savelives

Freedom Of Mind Community Choir Session

As one of the Music Directors for Freedom Of Mind Community Choir, along with Mariot Dallas, I’m keen to keep connected with choir members even though we can’t meet in person at the moment! So here’s a link to a wee singing session – if you’re not a choir member, you’re most welcome to join us! I hope you’ll find, like we do, that singing makes you feel good 🙂 I’ve made a CHOIR SESSIONS playlist on YouTube, and I’ll continue to add videos now and then over the coming weeks in this same location, so if you enjoy it, please do visit again! Very best wishes, wherever you are.

Quiet Roads – Saturday 21st March 2020

My friend and fellow choir leader and songwriter Val Munro kindly challenged me to write a song inspired by the words “Quiet Roads” this weekend – so here it is! I hope it might bring some comfort, if you need it. Stay safe and keep well, wherever you are. With every good wish, Kim x

March / April 2020 Newsletter

Obsession, addiction, new lyrics and precarious plans, my solo album launch date, Freedom Of Mind’s sing-a-long fringe show, and more! It’s all in my newsletter!